Viewing and Filtering the Diagnostics

The Analysis Results/Diagnostics panel, which is selectable via the tab of the same name at the bottom of the screen, is populated when files are selected in the Files panel. It shows all the diagnostic messages, and sub-messages, found in each file. The data may be sorted by clicking on any column header (with the exception of the "Message" column).

The diagnostics are displayed in pages of results, with 100 diagnostics per page by default (the number of pages and current page number are shown at the top right of the panel). This default can be modified by selecting Analyze : Open Analysis Settings in the GUI and changing the Max. number of diagnostics per page within the Analysis Settings dialog box. For more information on this operation, refer to Section The Analyze Menu

There are three methods for changing the displayed page of results:

  1. Entering the required page number.
  2. Using the icon controls (Go to: First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, Last Page).
  3. Using the following shortcut key combinations:
  • First Page: Alt Key + Up Arrow Key
  • Previous Page: Alt Key + Left Arrow Key
  • Next Page: Alt Key + Right Arrow Key
  • Last Page: Alt Key + Down Arrow Key.

Each message is categorized with an icon indicating an:

  • Error message (red)
  • Warning message (yellow)
  • User message (green)
  • Information message (blue)

To select a particular category of message for display, select the relevant colored icon in the top left hand corner of the Analysis Results/Diagnostics panel.

Similarly to how suppressed diagnostics are presented in the Editor, refer to Section Viewing Diagnostic Messages In-Line, the Analysis Results/Diagnostics panel displays suppressed diagnostics using the same color convention: orange for comment suppression, magenta for Dashboard suppression, green for pragma suppression, violet for baseline suppression and red for diagnostics that are suppressed using multiple methods.

Clicking the sub-messages icon allows you to expand the messages that have further messages linked to them (indicating, for example, that an error may have originated in a different part of the code).

Within each category, each diagnostic is broken down into the following columns in the panel:

  • ID (defined by component-version-ID)
  • Severity (a Severity level of 0 is the least severe and a level of 9 is the most severe)
  • Rule(s) that it enforces - if there is more than one, a context menu is available.
  • Message text
  • File
  • Line number on which the error occurs
  • Column number
  • Message Group to which it belongs (that is to say, the Rule Configuration).

You can rearrange the columns by clicking on the column titles and dragging them to their new desired locations within the top row of the table.

You can also filter the diagnostic messages in accordance with the Severity level. If the Severity level filter is set at "n", then only messages with level "n" and above will be displayed.

For a particular diagnostic message, the subsequent action depends on how the message is selected:

  • Clicking on the Message ID opens the associated message in the Helix QAC Message help window.
  • Clicking on the Rule opens the associated rule in the Helix QAC Rule help window.
  • Double-clicking on either the colored indicator on the left, or the Message text, opens the source file at the associated line in the Editor.